Author Interview- David Rae Author of Crowman

Setayesh Kazempoor
4 min readFeb 13, 2021

Q. Where did you get the idea for Crowman?
The story is based on North West Native American myths about the sun being kept in a box and freed by the crow. After that, the story almost wrote itself. The characters seemed to drive the story forward. I wish writing was always as easy as that.

Q. What was your favorite part of writing the book?
A. There are so many parts that I love, but I really enjoyed Mukito’s stay in Fadu. I loved the industrial, steam punk feel to it.

Q. If you could go back and change something in the story, what would it be?
A. Hmm, is it arrogant to say nothing? I think the bones of the story are pretty fixed. I would like to add more about Juana, and Gatuzo’s wife, who does not even get a name, but plays a huge part in the story.

Q. How do you develop your plot and characters?
A. I’m a definite panser. Or at least on paper I am. I work ideas over and over in my head and sometimes I dream about the characters. But I knew where this was going almost from the start.

Q. I know many authors have trouble keeping characters from revealing too much. In the story, Erroi was one of the most mysterious characters. Did you have difficulty writing his parts to make sure nothing was revealed too soon?
Not really, the characters seem to have a life of their own, and Erroi is secretive by nature. He’s never going to give much away. But, I didn’t feel the need to reveal anything. There’s not a lot of explanation in the book. Magic happens because it’s magic.

Q. What was the most difficult thing about writing Mukito, Alaba, and Utas? Were there any connections you had a difficult time establishing? Is there anything you would go back and change about them?
Alaba was the most difficult character to write. I know some critics feel that she needed to have more of a voice, and I can see that at least in the beginning she does not say much. But she does develop as the story goes on and she seems to make a good connection with the other younger kids. The hardest thing was to give her an age, there is some suggestion of an attraction between her and Mukito and it was difficult to have that childlike innocence and some sexual attraction without it getting creepy.

Q. Does one of the main characters hold a special place in your heart? If so, why?
A. I guess Juana. I think of all the characters she has the hardest lot. I would have liked to make things easier for her and to show more of her story. I think she was very tough and very brave.

Q. What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
I guess the quote in your review sums it up well. The book is about how we are all connected and about how we need to treat each other kindly. But it also shows how that can be a challenge.

Q. What was the highlight of writing this book?
A. Finishing! The highlight of any writing is that moment that you look up and it’s done. Of course, afterwards there is a huge down. You have to get on to the next work.

Q. What is the significance of the title?
A. Crowman links into the Native American myths, but it also links into the Japanese crow spirits or Tengue.

Q. What time of the day do you usually write?
A. I work during the day so writing has to be fitted in around that. I sometimes write before heading to work and sometimes in the evening when I get home.

Q. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?
A. That characters genuinely have a life of their own. That the creative process is as much about being

Q. Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers?
Soon to come out is the Second book of the series, CROWTOWER. It’s scheduled to arrive in June Brain Lag — Books ( and it’s about Erroi and Utas, about the connection between them and the dark spirit.

Q. Where do you draw inspiration from?
A. Other writers, from supportive friends, from family and reading book after book after book. Currently reading. Recent reads include Iseult Murphy Seven Days in Hell. Justine Boote Love Wanes Fear is forever and Quicksilver and Brimstone by Elisabeth Eckstine, The Nesting by C J Cooke and Paradise Sky by Joe R Landsdale.

Q. How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
Well, I don’t want to give too much away about CROWTOWER, but I have started working on the third book in the series. The central idea is that the world of CROWMAN is a kind of hell, and what people need to do to deserve to go there.

Originally published at



Setayesh Kazempoor

I’m an author, and do book reviews, author interviews, and have a writing blog! For more information, you can go to: